8th of November
On the 8th of November the angels were crying. Good post at this link.
The originalo video can be seen at this link.
On the 8th of November the angels were crying. Good post at this link.
The originalo video can be seen at this link.
Posted by
12:03 AM
Labels: 173DABN, Bien Hoa, Operation Hump, Sky Angels, Sky Soldiers, War Zone D
The Muslim Hijacking of Ground Zero
The great cities of the world are littered with relics of the Muslim occupation of their sacred places. Jerusalem, Delhi, Constantinople and Alexandria
By Daniel Greenfield
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Islam doesn’t just hijack planes, it hijacks the things that mean something to people. The great cities of the world are littered with relics of the Muslim occupation of their sacred places. Jerusalem, Delhi, Constantinople and Alexandria all testify to the Muslim predilection for taking over other people’s sacred places, and turning them into mosques. It wasn’t enough for Muslims to conquer Jerusalem and subjugate its inhabitants. No, they also had to take the holiest place in Judaism and build a mosque on top of it. Similarly it wasn’t enough for them to conquer and rename Constantinople, they also had to turn the Hagia Sophia into a mosque. These are not exceptions to the rule. In Asia, the Middle East and Europe, there are numberless examples of the same thing.
To this day, Muslims continue seizing other people’s places of worship and turning them into mosques. It’s going on in Egypt today. It’s going on in Yugoslavia where churches are being destroyed and turned into mosques, day by day. It’s went on in Israel, in Joseph’s Tomb, burial spot of the biblical Joseph, which was seized by Muslims in September of 2000, a year before 9/11.
Why do Muslims this? It’s not just about seizing territory, though that is part of it. It’s also about hijacking something more vital, identity. By Islamizing sacred sites, they also take control of other people’s history and culture. As they have done throughout the world. Hijacking the Temple Mount, has allowed Muslims to claim Jerusalem as a holy city of theirs. Hijacking churches in Egypt and Yugoslavia, eliminates the religious history of non-Muslims from the area. Hijacking the Hagia Sophia, was part of the recreation of Constantinople, into Istanbul.
Muslims do not just make war on lands or bodies—but on memory itself
The common denominator is that Muslims do not just make war on lands or bodies—but on memory itself. Their goal is to make people forget what came before their colonization. T o distort the history and traditions that are meaningful to them, and replace them with a distorted Islamized version of history. The Muslim “tolerance” in Spain, the Palestinian Arab “refugees” and the Muslim “contributions” to science, are all examples of that revisionist history, in which oppression becomes tolerance, repression becomes knowledge, and the oppressors become the victims.
Ground Zero is not only the central point of the Muslim massacre of 3000 people. It is also the central point of the memory of that massacre. The area is the place where people come to remember what happened. To see, to hear and to pay tribute to the dead. Which is exactly why Muslims are determined to hijack it for their own purposes, with a highly visible mosque and their own 9/11 museum that will feature a radically altered version of history. What they are after is the equivalent of putting up a Holocaust Revisionism museum outside the Holocaust museum.
There is no legitimate reason for the Cordoba House. As I have already documented, the current mosque draws most of its worshippers. There is no significant Muslim population in Downtown Manhattan that needs to have its own 100 million dollar community center. The only reason for building something on this scale, is because of its proximity to Ground Zero. The Ground Zero mosque is aimed at the hijacking of memory, not of Muslims, but of non-Muslims. It is meant to serve as part of the Muslim narrative spread after 9/11 that exonerates Muslims from all blame, while pointing the finger at America and the Jews instead. Which is why the ADL and the Wiesenthal Center have both come out against the Ground Zero Mosque, regardless of the vicious attacks directed at them by liberals for daring to stand up to Muslim colonization and bigotry.
At Ground Zero, all Americans realized that Islam was an inescapable question that they must grapple with. It is a powerful symbol. And symbols are dangerous. People will fight and die for symbols, as they will not for cold hard facts. It is why the left has tried to hijack it using the IFC. They failed. Now where they failed, the Islamists intend to succeed. And just as the IFC was backed by Bloomberg, so too the Ground Zero mosque is being backed by Bloomberg. It’s why the media and liberals are shouting down all criticism of the Ground Zero mosque. Islam and the left both want to suppress the real history of September 11. They want Americans to forget who did it, and instead feed them excuses about “American foreign policy” and of course those omnipresent Jews, who are really to blame for it all.
The name Cordoba House is entirely appropriate for the Ground Zero mosque, because it too represent a false history. The story of Cordoba and Ground Zero are linked, in that they are both stories of Muslim terror, covered up with lies about Muslim tolerance. And the Cordoba House is part of a comprehensive effort to pervert the history of September 11, as comprehensively as that of Cordoba or Jerusalem. To replace it with their narrative, in which they are the victims, and we are the oppressors. And to allow that history to stand, is to destroy the meaning of our own culture and accept our subjugation, in history, if not yet in fact.
The Great Lie told and retold over and over again for the last 9 years, is that Islam was not responsible for 9/11. That lie has been repeated over and over again. It has permeated our culture. It has filled our media. The politicians have echoed it. Books and articles are written that treat it as something every reasonable person understands. Islam had nothing to do with 9/11. Not a damn thing.
The Ground Zero mosque is that lie made flesh
The Ground Zero mosque is that lie made flesh. It is that revisionist history given physical form, turned into brick and mortar, steel and cement, raised up to the sky, to look down mockingly on the Ground Zero construction site itself, and the people who come there to reflect and remember. It mocks their memories. It mocks the dead. Its arrogance is the same as that of the Muslim burners of the Great Library of Alexandria, of Hanan Ashrawi claiming there was no Jewish connection to Joseph’s Tomb, or Anwar Al-Awlaki, who had advised the 9/11 hijackers, telling reporters after the attacks that Islam opposes terrorism. It is an act of beheading, not of flesh, but of identity. It takes a blade and saws at the neck of a culture, cutting off its head through lies and deceit.
When Muslims conquer, they begin with massacres and end with colonization. The building they bought, had its value destroyed by their own attack on September 11. Now having bought the building at a loss, they intend to demolish it and turn it into a monument to the very ideology responsible for that massacre. As they have done before in Constantinople and Jerusalem. As they have done throughout the world. First they bomb. Now they occupy. First they kill, then they solicit converts. First they invade, then they rule. It is an ugly and bloody pattern that has held true for over a 1000 years of history. And here it is again.
When the Sudanese Muslim Janjaweed militias go out and rape non-Arab women, this was what they said to their victims. “The government gave me permission to rape you. This is not your land anymore.” That is the Ground Zero mosque, with Bloomberg giving his permission to allow Islam to declare that this too is not our land anymore. It is the rape of a place that has equal stature in American memory to Gettysburg or Arlington. It is a calculated act of cultural brutality, disguised with a fake smile. Its message is that this is not our land anymore. That these are not our memories anymore. That these too have been hijacked by the murderers.
Islam does not just destroy bodies, it destroys souls. It plots to rob entire peoples of their culture, their history and their identity. In order to make them into Muslims or Dhimmis, slaves of Muslims. Mohammed began the process by taking the existing belief systems in the region, combining them into a distorted ideology that he called Islam, which gave him the power to do anything he wanted, that exploded into massacres, ethnic cleansing and a wave of brutality and conquest that covered the globe. But the armies of Islam did not just kill or enslave, they robbed their victims of their culture and history—and replaced it with Islam. Ground Zero is their target once more. A hijacking not of planes, but of memory. And their targets are no longer just 3,000 people—but us all.
Posted by
10:07 AM
Labels: alexandria, conquer, Ground Zero, history, islam, jerusalem, mosque, religion, revisionist, sacred
and the Progressive Republicans in the local party machine say Protest Warrior is a hate site. I guess any group that unequivocally supports Israel and a Free Lebanon, supports the troops at every turn, makes the left look stupid at their own rallies, and belives the Constitution is the Law of the Land could be considered a hate group.
BROOKSVILLE - Jason Sager doesn't have to look at someone else's pictures of the Twin Towers attack in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001. He was there.
He saw the billowing smoke from his home and has his own scrapbook showing the devastation.
As shaken as he was that day, Sager said he witnessed something later that would propel him into a life of politics and ultimately lead him to Brooksville to become the tea party candidate for the 5th Congressional District.
Fourteen days after al-Qaida terrorists forced two pilots to crash into the World Trade Center, Sager said he was walking near ground zero when he saw Marxist progressive protesters dragging American flags on the ground and declaring to crowds the United States was to blame for 9/11>
The whole story is here.
Jason has NOTHING to explain, or apologize for. He is a Warrior on the homefront, fighting the insurgency at home.
Posted by
1:56 PM
Labels: 9-11, al-queda, fl-05, florida, protest warrior
You probably found one of my cards on the side of the road (or maybe a crime scene.) Either way, thanks for stopping by. I hope you were able to sample some of our good cooking this past weekend.
We managed to feed a few folks on Saturday. Homes For Our Troops turned over the keys for a brand new specially adapted home to SSG Dwayne Cole USA OIF. We were there to make sure no one went home hungry.
I need to take a few paragraphs to thank a bunch of folks who helped make our part of this auspicious event possible.
First, the neighbors from 4 Mile Creek Baptist Church were just awesome for allowing us to use the kitchen facilities and for the helping hands. They provided a new item to our Southern menu with some fantastic Silver Queen fried just right, and Tooltime Cole Slaw.
Second, the Varina Ruritan gave us some much needed logistical support and allowed us to add smoked pork BBQ to the menu. Thank you very much.
Third, Whole Foods gave us enough squash to give out seconds and thirds to everyone who wanted it. Folks were very impressed with my squash. Thank you Whole Foods, Richmond VA.
We have a picture or two, and the video of the PGR/VFW escort and SSG Coles' arrival. You could go watch that, or, you could indulge me for a moment and jump over here. This is important.
I'll be here when you get back. I just think you need to see this.
Posted by
6:39 PM
Labels: army, baptist, BBQ, cooking with the troops, four mile creek, Homes For Our Troops, pgr, ruritan, varina, VFW
Byron York - Who told Obama drilling is 'absolutely safe'?
There was one particularly striking moment in President Obama's widely panned Oval Office speech on the Gulf oil disaster. About midway through his talk, Obama acknowledged that he had approved new offshore drilling a few weeks before the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion on April 20. But Obama said he had done so only "under the assurance that it would be absolutely safe." (thats something I'd like to know as well)
Julie Mason - Democrats fates will hinge on Obama's handling of spill
Democrats had planned to campaign this fall on health care reform, but President Obama's deep pivot to the BP oil spill changes both the equation and focus of midterm campaigning.
Susan Ferrechio -GOP leaders threatened Barton with loss of committee post
Rep. Joe Barton, R-Tex., was ordered by the top House leadership to retract his apology to BP and to apologize for making the statement in the first place or risk losing his position on a powerful House committee. (he shoulda told 'em to pound sand)
Mark Hemingway - NJ Gov Chris Christie approval rating rises to 51 percent
The latest Rasmussen poll has New Jersey Governor Chris Christie with his head above water at a 51 percent approval rating. This is a signifcant uptick, as teachers unions in the state have carpet bombed the airwaves with $6 million in ads attacking him since March.
David Freddoso - CNN: We only think Obama’s speech was lousy because we’re not smart enough
Apparently, the real problem with President Obama’s Tuesday night speech is not that it contained no substance, little reassurance, and no sign that he is on top of the oil spill. Rather, the problem is that he used too many big words and long sentences, CNN dutifully reports:
More Stories
Tea Party documentary: When was the last time Chris Matthews did anything worthwhile?
E. J. Dionne's advice to lemmings
N.C. Poll: Pugnacious Dem congressman with creepy hug now trails
Posted by
12:11 PM
Labels: apology, Barton, bp, byron york, DCExaminer, drill here drill now, ej dionne, grill here grill now, Gulf, Morning Reads, NC-02
July 4th is a time to think about all that makes this country great -- from our determined, pioneering spirit to the open road and rock and roll.
But it's also an important time to come together with our friends and family and remember the brave men and women who do so much to keep this country great.So this 4th of July, I want to make sure you have a special way to honor our troops on one of America's greatest holidays.
That's why I'm proud to introduce the USO's We've Got Their Back campaign. With a generous donation to this effort, you'll be supporting all of the wonderful USO programs that let our troops know we're there for them. And as an added bonus, when you donate today, the USO will send you a free, one-of-a-kind t-shirt in time for you to wear on the 4th. Please donate now to the USO's We've Got Their Back campaign to receive your free July 4th t-shirt.
Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, the USO stands by our service men and women every day. With free phone calls to a loved one back home, entertainment tours that bring the stars to them, care packages full of their favorite things, and so much more, the USO is making sure that no matter where they are, our troops always have a touch of home.So this 4th of July, show your support for our troops. Show them you're there for them and that you've always got their back. Take part in this great campaign and be sure to get your free t-shirt to wear on the 4th.
Donate today to receive your free USO t-shirt to wear this 4th of July.
No matter what's playing on your jukebox or cooking on your grill, I think we can all agree that this 4th of July our troops and their families need our support. And I can't think of any better way to show your support than by taking part in this great USO campaign today. Thanks for all you do for our troops.Keep Rockin'
Joan Jett
P.S. -- The final deadline to make a donation to the USO's We've Got Their Back campaign and receive your free t-shirt is June 14th, so act quickly and make sure you're ready this 4th of July.
Posted by
1:01 PM
Labels: got your 6, I Love Rock and Roll, Joan Jett, The Blackhearts, USO
Posted on Congress.org
Obama Threatens 14 US Governors With Immediate Arrest
Posted by Europe
A chilling report from the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) prepared for Prime Minister Putin warns today that United States President Barack Obama has had served on 14 US Governors National Security Letters (NSLs) warning that if their actions in attempting to form what are called State Defense Forces are not halted they will face "immediate" arrest for the crime of treason.Read more here.
The use of NSLs in the United States was authorized by the Patriot Act law enacted after the September 11, 2001 attacks and forbids anyone receiving them from even acknowledging their existence, and was reauthorized by Obama's "rubberstamp" Congress this past February over the objections of both civil and human rights groups who warned they mimic similar type "government security notices" enacted under both the former German Nazi and Soviet Communist regimes.
To the issue angering Obama against these State Governors, this report continues, is their attempt to reestablish what are called State Defense Forces which are described as follows:
"State Defense Forces (SDF) (also known as State Guards, State Military Reserves, or State Militias) in the United States are military units that operate under the sole authority of a state government; they are not regulated by the National Guard Bureau nor are they part of the Army National Guard of the United States."
Posted by
6:32 PM
Labels: militia, minnesota, National Guard, pawlenty, Reserves, State Defense Forces, texas
to my little piece of the internet.
I try to post things that educate people about our enemies and news stories from friends and other journalists I like and admire, and sometimes I'll go off on a tangent on my own and just say what I'm thinking. I'll also keep you updated on the activities of Cooking with the Troops, Warrior Legacy, and any other events or efforts directed towards improving the quality of life for our Warriors, their families and the people who take care of them.
The song you're listening to is The Warrior Song. It was put together by a young man out in California. Warrior Legacy Foundation has adopted this song as its official theme song.
You'll see references to The Hammer at times. Mary Katharine Ham is a great journalist, well-spoken, cute as a puppy in pet store window, and country as a turnip green. She's also a friend of mine and she sits with me and Laughing Wolf (aka C. Blake Powers) on the Board of Directors of Cooking with the Troops. The Hammer is winding up a week long trip to the Sandbox and I suspect a long post is coming about that trip. William Kristol did a follow up to her dispatch with some background on the Marine.
The Heritage Foundation is referenced here a lot, as are most of the milblogs. Jump over to our sister site, United Conservatives or the military themed The Talon for more stuff from other co-conspirators. Uncle Jimbo always has something interesting to say, and my buddy Jonn over at This Aint Hell is doing yeoman's work.
Mark Alexander is one my personal heros and runs a place called Patriot Post, which used to be called the Federalist Digest. You should really check it out.
I hope you like what you see, hear, and read. If you're so moved, we can use some help with the cooking events.
Semper Fidelis
Semper Paratus
Semper Vigilio
Posted by
6:53 PM
Posted by
10:58 PM
Labels: bbq sauce, cooking with the troops, Homes For Our Troops, United States Marine Corps, usmc, warrior legacy foundation
United Conservatives of Virginia: Call To Action
WRVA is running a fundraiser for McGuire Veterans Hospital Fisher House;Richard McCann wants to build a patio outback for the families who stay there;Warrior Legacy Foundation, and by extension, United Conservatives, wants to help.
Posted by
6:39 PM
Posted by
12:31 AM
Labels: cooking with the troops, Homes For Our Troops, iraq, United States Marine Corps, veterans, warrior legacy foundation, Warriors
The Marine Corps flag you see was presented to Sgt Steve Kiernan by members of DCFreeRepublic and DCProtestWarrior in recognition of his service to our country.
This Marine Corps flag has flown at the Main Gate of Walter Reed Army Medical center during the DC Chapter's weekly troop support rally, and was used during Protest Warrior's Defend the White House Rally in September 2005. It has a storied history and is well travelled.
Posted by
3:46 PM
Labels: flag, Homes For Our Troops, marine Corps, Sgt Steve Kiernan, walter reed, youtube
Posted by
2:07 PM
Labels: frontdoor, Homes For Our Troops, roof trusses, usmc
Posted by
9:49 AM
Labels: American Legion, escort, HarleyDavidson, legion, motorcycles, Patriot Guard, pgr, usmc
Yesterday, volunteers from Warrior Legacy Foundation and Cooking With the Troops prepared and served lunch to the workers and neighbors building USMC Sgt Steve Kiernan's new adaptive home.
As you will hear, this home is being built with 100% donations from the contractors and building material suppliers.
Videos are being processed and will be up ASAP. Sorry I couldn't make the Livestream work.
Posted by
8:15 AM
Labels: Fredericksburg, Homes For Our Troops, usmc, VA
Happy Hour Links
BY John McCormack
Republicans (and one Democrat) uphold filibuster of financial regulation bill.
Tom Tancredo: Beware of racial profiling in immigration laws.
Young voters just not that into Obama right now.
Sign at budget-cut protest in Des Moines: "Save ARE Teachers."
Gay rights groups starting to get suspicious of Obama plan to repeal DADT next year, when there are fewer Democrats in Congress.
Whoops: "new evidence shows there was no all-encompassing [ash] cloud and, where dust was present, it was often so thin that it posed no risk."
Stephen Hawking doesn't think aliens would be very friendly.
When will lovers of salt (and freedom in general) fully ally themselves with the producers of unpasteurized milk?
Posted by
9:38 PM
Labels: DADT, happy hour, john mcormack, Tancredo, weekly standard
Veterans Rally to Halt Memorial Vandalism
PHILADELPHIA, April 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Veterans and other volunteers will gather Wednesday, April 14, at noon at the Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial to voice their concern over vandalism and to offer their support by patrolling at the site.
The Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is organizing veterans and others to monitor activities at the Memorial starting this week through Memorial Day. Veterans will be asked to speak at the noon press conference to voice their concern about the desecration of the Memorial.More detail will be provided about the patrols and other measures to halt the vandalism from skateboarders and inline skaters, who have actually been destroying devices designed to halt such activity. Scores of veterans already have contacted the fund volunteering to patrol at the site on Front and Spruce streets.
A limited number of copies of the surveillance tapes showing the vandalism will be available, as well as new, more prominent signage outlining illegal activities at the Memorial. The Fund is a nonprofit organization that provides oversight at the Memorial in cooperation with the Fairmount Park.
Three juveniles from the Philadelphia suburbs were apprehended March 7 by police who have charged them with desecration of a memorial, a third degree felony that is punishable by fines and imprisonment.
Coordinating the Veteran activities will be Dennis Best, vice president of the Memorial Fund, assisted by James Moran, Memorial Custodian.
Posted by
6:03 PM
Labels: desecration, memorials, pennsylvania, philadelphia, rally, vandalism, veterans, VietNam
King Solomon's Wall Revealed in Jerusalem
Maayana Miskin -
Feb 22, 2010 IsraelNN.com
Hebrew University archaeologists have revealed an ancient path in Jerusalem believed to date back to the time of King Solomon, along with structures including a gateway and the foundation of a building. Dr. Eilat Mazar, the leader of the archaeological dig, said the findings match finds from the time of the First Temple.
The latest find includes a 70-meter long and six-meter-high stone wall, a small house adjacent to a gateway leading to what was once the royal courtyard, a building that served city officials, and a tower that overlooked the Kidron river.
According to Mazar, the wall is likely to be the wall built by King Solomon. "This is the first time a building has been found that matches descriptions of the building carried out by King Solomon in Jerusalem," she said.
Posted by
6:12 PM
Labels: biblical, Israel, jerusalem, King Solomon, prophesy, Temple Mount
The Daily Grind
BY Mary Katharine Ham
"Mom, this is so embarrassing. Quit talking about my BMI on national television!"
It took this long for Toyota to apologize?
Dems fight with GOP for the allegiance of...Wall Street?
"After telling me to keep my mouth shut, the White House discloses sensitive information in an effort to defend a dangerous and unpopular decision to Mirandize Abdulmutallab and I’m supposed to apologize?" Sen. Bond said in a paper statement today.
The story of the "retarded" slur will never die. It finds new life in Connecticut, and when Sarah Palin knocks Rush Limbaugh for using it.
Unemployment drops to 9.7 percent.
NBC cafeteria celebrates Black History Month with a menu of fried chicken and collard greens?
I'm sure Keith Olbermann will have a very Special Comment about this immediately.
Biden to Brown: "I want to talk to you about your daughters."
Ever wanted to know what your VIN means?
The man behind the demon sheep ad?
Matthews to Sen. Collins: "I think your arguments are winning with lots of people."
Posted by
3:37 PM
Labels: daily grind, Mary Katharine Ham, The Hammer, weekly standard
Who are the 300 Terrorists Convicted under the Bush Administration?
10:42 AM, Feb 5, 2010 ·
BY John McCormack
Byron York reports on Senator Jon Kyl's efforst to get to the bottom of an Obama administration talking point on Gitmo and terrorism. Attorney General Eric Holder reiterates in his letter to the Senate this week that "Bush administration used the criminal justice system to convict more than 300 individuals on terrorism-related charges," but Holder has been unable to provide the names of those individuals even though Jon Kyl has been asking for them since May 2009. "It's a disingenuous argument," says Kyl. "There haven't been 300 high-profile, dangerous terrorism cases in the United States -- if there were, we would have heard about them."
To grasp just how evasive the administration is being, read the whole thing.
Posted by
3:30 PM
Labels: Arizona, eric holder, Gitmo, john mcormack, Kyl, terrorists, trials, weekly standard
DCProtestWarrior was on the ground with NCGOE on Tuesday supporting the SEAL 3. I met former Navy SEAL Scott Taylor, candidate for Republican representative for the 2nd District of Virginia. This blog supports Scott Taylor. He has voluteered to continue to serve our Nation. OOOOOOOOOORAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
A huge THANK YOU and props to Dunkin Donuts for providing the hot coffee, donut holes and the cool cups. Above and beyond, friends.
Posted by
10:00 PM
Labels: court-martial, JAG Corps, Naval, Norfolk, scott taylor, SEAL, SEAL 3, VA-02, virginia, warrior class, Warrior Defense Fund, warrior legacy foundation
Obama, the Weak Horse
by Jed Babbin
Soon upon us will be the one-year anniversary of President Obama’s inauguration. It’s time to ask, are we safer or in more danger than we were a year ago? By every objective measure -- what we know about Islamic terrorism, its intentions and capabilities -- the answer is no. We are far less safe now than we were then.
To ask how much danger are we in is fatuous. You may as well ask, “[H]ow much danger is there”? The president has taken actions that -- again objectively -- have increased our vulnerability tremendously. Two of the actions he took immediately after taking office prove the point. And the actions he and Attorney General Eric Holder have since taken only increase the danger.
Last week, White House counterterrorism czar John Brennan said that we would still, on a case by case basis, release Gitmo detainees to Yemen. This despite the facts that would-be underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was trained there by an al Queda cell that reportedly contains two Gitmo alumni and that the Yemenis released Jamal al-Badawi, one of the men responsible for the 2000 attack on the USS Cole.
“The Intelligence Committee has held a number of briefings and hearings in the past year that clearly demonstrate that the security situation in Yemen has deteriorated. Terrorists, including al Queda, have found Yemen to be a relative safe haven from which to plan attacks, both against Yemeni targets and externally. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on assurances that detainees transferred to Yemen for detention will be held securely until they no longer pose a threat.”
Posted by
2:30 PM
Labels: al-queda, Flight 253, fruit of the boom, Gitmo, Human Events, Jed Babbin, terrorism, terrorist attack, terrorists, yemen
Diana Nagy Is On With Andrea Shea King
I heard Diana sing live at the Carrillon.
I have a soft spot for this Lady.
The Andrea Shea King Show tonight at 9 ET
Our guest tonight -- singer songwriter Diana Nagy of Tea Party Express fame -- will participate in the commissioning ceremony when she sings our national anthem and her original song "Where Freedom Flies".
Diana has a very special connection to this latest addition to the Independence family, and tonight she'll tell us what that is.Join us for a special visit from a patriotic gal who has toured the nation with the Tea Party Express, entertaining fellow Americans at rallies across the country.Tonight she's ours!
Posted by
7:16 PM
Labels: andrea shea king, diana nagy, independence, pirates
"I sincerely apologize for being stupid enough to allow my true feelings for this upstart pretender to be documented. I've been Al Sharpton's bitch for years."
What Al said: "Harriet has been my bitch for years."
Posted by
9:06 AM
Labels: race baiting, race hustling poverty pimps, rascism, rascist democrats
Just passing this along FWIW.
Rev. Manning says Obama was at an al Qaeda training camp from 1980-1983 and his Columbia diploma and transcripts were bought.
He says that his church and followers are holding a huge rally at the Columbia campus 7 blocks from Atlah church to demand the truth. James Allyn Root former liberatarian VP candidate, offered Obama $1million to show his transcripts, because as president of the ‘83 political science class at Columbia, he nor anyone else, remembers Obama ever going there. Of course Obama ignored the proposal. And Obama says he too graduated ‘83 political science.
Root said, “I think the most dangerous thing you should know about Barack Obama is that I don’t know a single person at Columbia that knows him, and they all know me. I don’t have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia. Ever!”
The lack of Columbia attachments and documents, falls in to the category of the “unspeakables” along with his obvious ineligibility because he was born and is still a British citizen, thus not a natural born citizen.
Obama campaigned for his “cousin” Raila Odinga in 2007, he is al Qaeda backed, also by oil billionaire al Bakari and Kadaffi. Odinga threatened genocide if he lost, which he did, and genocide ensued led by Odinga’s Luo thugs (Obama and Odinga are both Luo tribe members), wherein 3,000 Kenyans (mostly Christians) were hacked, raped, burned– murdered, and 300,000 were displaced; 50 women and children were burned alive in a church.
Odinga now shares a presidency with Kibaki, a compromise to make the genocide stop. Obama was a sitting US senator at the time he campaigned for Odinga, violating the Logan Act. He knew Odinga would incite genocide ahead of time, because Odinga threatened it openly. Kibaki said in the Kenyan press that Obama was “Odinga’s stooge”.
Obama recently gave $2.5million to oil rich Kadaffi. Odinga is a marxist who signed a pact to install sharia law in Kenya. Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan met with Kadaffi in Libya; Kadaffi is behind the U.S.Africa (United Statesof Africa) proxy wars throughout north Africa, meant to unite Africa under the umbrella of radical Islam, for they commit genocide on not only native Africans and Christians, but also non-fundamentalist Muslims. Darfur, Chad, Somalia, Yemen, Kenya etc. are now breeding grounds for radical Islam. Don’t expect Obama to interfere with this.
Posted by
11:58 AM
Labels: al-queda, atlasshrugs, columbia, Manning, pakistan, reason
Quote of the Week:
"America's founders intended the federal government to have limited powers and that the states have an independent sovereign place in our system of government. The Obama/Reid/Pelosi legislation to take control of the American health-care system is the most sweeping and intrusive federal program ever devised. If the federal government can do this, then it can do anything, and the limits on government power that our liberty requires will be more myth than reality." --Wall Street Journal op-ed by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Liberty University School of Law professor Kenneth Blackwell and American Civil Rights Union senior legal analyst Kenneth Klukowski
Posted by
11:52 AM
Labels: federalist digest, founders vision, Founding Fathers, founding principles, Mark Alexander, patriot post
Government & Politics
If By 'Transparent' You Mean 'Secret'...
In spite of Democrats' best efforts at "transparency," there are many extra-special things that we actually do know about the bill. For example, on page 1,020, the Senate bill states: "It shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection." In other words, the bill creates an eternal law by prohibiting future elected Congresses from making changes to this subsection.
What's in the subsection in question? The infamous "death panel" -- the Independent Medicare Advisory Board (IMAB), whose objective will be to "reduce the per capita rate of growth in Medicare spending" (read: to ration health care).
Meanwhile, the bill contains what amounts to a marriage penalty worth $2,000 or more in insurance premiums each year. The Wall Street Journal explains, "The disparity comes about in part because subsidies for purchasing health insurance under the plan from congressional Democrats are pegged to federal poverty guidelines. That has the effect of limiting subsidies for married couples with a combined income, compared to if the individuals are single."
Finally, Obama signaled this week that he's willing to break another campaign promise: The "no tax increases on the middle class" pledge. He threw his support behind the Senate's tax on higher end "Cadillac" insurance plans, something unions and House Democrats oppose.
The more the public learns about this continuing saga, the more vigorously opposed they become to "reform." No wonder Democrats want the process to remain secret.
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11:48 AM
Labels: health insurance, healthcare, n0bama, n0bamacare
United Conservatives of Virginia: Extreme Leftists and Extremist Islam
More at the link.
Exclusive: Fatal Attraction – The Left’s Perilous Embrace of Radical Islam
Alex Alexiev
Shortly after 9/11 a lively discussion ensued on the pages of a prominent green journal regarding the possibility and merit of an alliance between the Greens, the Left and radical Islam. The discussion identified the emergence of radical Islam as a “geopolitical opponent of the dominant West, equal or greater in magnitude to the specter of communism” with Osama bin Laden and the Taliban providing a “charismatic voice articulating the vision of an Islamic revolt against the West.” Moreover, the green theoreticians argued, radical Islam was a “movement of social revolution” that may be “moving towards some form of socialism…” It concluded hopefully that “Greens and Muslims might somehow collaborate as parallel, overlapping movements of liberation from the dominance of capital.”
Eight years later, the putative romance of the American Left with radical Islam appears to have become an affectionate embrace. Congressional hearings have revealed that no less than 500 leftist lawyers, many of them hired by Attorney General Eric Holder’s law firm, Covington & Burling, rushed to defend pro bono the 244 Islamic extremists and terrorists held at Guantanamo. At least a couple of these radicals, now working for Mr. Holder in top positions, have already had to recuse themselves from prosecuting detainees because of their previous advocacy for them and more such cases are certain to come out.
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11:10 AM
Heritage Foundation
Happy Tax Year!
While millions of Americans are more than ready to put 2009 behind them, they should know that Congress failed to reauthorize dozens of tax breaks for individuals and businesses before the Members scurried home for the Holidays. These “expiring provisions” affect every American in one way or another as individuals or businesses. By allowing them to lapse, Congress has enacted tax increases at time when these taxpayers can least afford it.
The House has passed legislation (H.R. 4213) that would have extended 63 current tax provisions, but the Senate failed to bring this bill to a vote. Thus, all of these provisions expired at midnight last night. Notable provisions as reported today by Tax Notes include:
Although the House has acted and passed its version of the Tax Extenders Act of 2009, the Senate failed to act on similar legislation, as a result the following additional key tax provisions will expire:
The Senate has had a lot on its plate this year. But it is still unacceptable that they have stalled on the chance to extend these tax provisions that affect every American. By allowing these tax provisions to expire, taxes will rise on many individuals and businesses, and for some of these groups, a punitively steep tax hike.
At the very least, we hope for a New Year’s Resolution from Congress that it acts swiftly in 2010 on passing legislation to amend and extend tax laws that assist every American individual and business which will lead to a stronger, robust economy.
Even better, would be if Congress reformed the entire tax code and brought us a tax system based on one rate, applied once to all income, and in a form every taxpayer can understand.
However, that may be asking too much in one New Year’s Resolution.
Posted by
9:33 AM
Labels: heritage foundation, higher taxes, Morning Bell