BLACKFIVE: The Burden of the Sheepdog...
BLACKFIVE: The Burden of the Sheepdog...
--There are sheep and there are wolves. Thats why we need sheepdogs.
BLACKFIVE: The Burden of the Sheepdog...
--There are sheep and there are wolves. Thats why we need sheepdogs.
Posted by
3:34 PM
The Anarchist Soccer Mom: Thinking the Unthinkable
Get through this one without using a tissue and you're not human or you have no soul.
Posted by
8:10 AM
Leaked WBC Personal Contact Information---
OK these Anonymous guys are starting to impress me. Ya gotta love this.
Oh and the westboro ba'athists are going to "celebrate God's judgement" by showing up in Newtown Connecticut for the funerals. Isn't that special? Too bad we can't get some folks up there to make them feel that special welcome we reserve for asshats and idiots with no class and no morals.
Posted by
10:10 PM
Admiral Mullen Possible Target of Foreign Cyber Intrusion |
From my BFF Susan Katz Keating. I can now say "I knew her when..."
Posted by
9:41 PM
Celebrity Victims Make L.A. Times Get Serious on Swatting
Someone is going to get seriously hurt and Brett Kimberlin will be the cause. Kimberlin is a convicted felon and accused murderer, responsible for what has been termed "The Speedway Bombings".
This is one sick son of a bitch that needs to be put down.
Posted by
12:14 AM
Posted by
9:39 PM
Labels: 9-11, al'queda, ansar al sharia, benghazi, clinton, consulate, dhimmitude, libya, lying dhimmicrats, muslim brotherhood, Navy SEALs, North Africa, paul hollrah, united nations
and make the Muslim Brotherhood the heros in a rescue action? It would explain why the SEALs were told to stand down. It would not explain why Dear Leader was absent for 7 hours.
Where was he? Why are there no pictures from the Situation Room like there were when SEAL Team 6 took out Bin Laden? Dear Leader was ready to take all the credit for that operation. He wasn't shy about releasing a lot of intel regarding the Bin Laden take down. Why is he hiding from this one?
Posted by
4:39 PM
Labels: al'queda, benghazi, consulate, embassy, libya, muslim brotherhood, muslim connections, NavySEALs, terrorism, terrorists
and that, my friends, will be that. We will hear no more of this nonsense. Now go back to your homes and pretend you still live in a free society that values honesty and integrity.
FBI May Impound ‘Pro-Obama’ Voting Machines
Despite there being evidence of massive voter fraud in the presidential election; despite the Obama Administration suppressing the traditionally conservative military vote by “losing” absentee ballots and simply mailing them out too late to make a difference, election officials have, as expected, ignored the mounting calls to investigate whether Obama actually won the election.
Now a movement is afoot to impound the thousands of voting machines that “malfunctioned”, switching a Romney vote to one for Obama. Some local officials have put the suspected voting machines in “quarantine” before they can be erased of information to determine if, in fact, the Obama campaign hacked into the machines.
Many local officials are calling on the FBI to do a forensic analysis of the voting machines—which are really computers—to determine if they have, in fact, been “hacked.”
Posted by
3:48 PM
Posted by
7:18 AM
Labels: Broadwell, cia, Kelly, Patraeus, People Magazine, Susan Katz-Keating
THE BIG LIST of vote fraud reports
They stole it folks. We are now offically a third world country with a tincup dictator and sycophants in charge of everything. Thanks morons. Enjoy your "utopia".
Posted by
11:42 PM
For Fourth Straight Year, Obama's Thanksgiving Message Doesn't Thank God
No one cares as long Dear Leader keeps handing out the free stuff and giving the unions a reach around.
No mention of thanking God. None.
But, of course, we’re used to this. In 2011, there was no mention of God at all. In 2010, Obama was closer, but still missed the mark (“we’ll spend some time taking stock of what we’re thankful for: the God-given bounty of America, and the blessings of one another”). In 2009, Obama didn’t thank God, either.
Compare that to Obama’s Thanksgiving Day proclamations, which he does not read or speak. Those are filled with God – at least for the last three years. In his first year, filled with the vim and vigor of his original election, Obama preferred to eschew any direct thanking of God even in his proclamation.
2012: “On Thanksgiving Day, individuals from all walks of life come together to celebrate this most American tradition, grateful for the blessings of family, community, and country. Let us spend this day by lifting up those we love, mindful of the grace bestowed upon us by God and by all who have made our lives richer with their presence.”
2011: “As we gather in our communities and in our homes, around the table or near the hearth, we give thanks to each other and to God for the many kindnesses and comforts that grace our lives. Let us pause to recount the simple gifts that sustain us, and resolve to pay them forward in the year to come.”
2010: “As Americans gather for the time-honored Thanksgiving Day meal, let us rejoice in the abundance that graces our tables, in the simple gifts that mark our days, in the loved ones who enrich our lives, and in the gifts of a gracious God.”
Of course, nobody sees these proclamations, so Obama doesn’t have to be embarrassed about them.
It’s no wonder that this President’s Democratic National Committee platform tried to remove God. He’s not a big fan of the Big Guy. Even on Thanksgiving. After all, what need do you have for God when you’ve got the state?
Posted by
3:24 PM
Fail: Lone Union Worker Walks Out of Walmart
BAAAAWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Poor baby. She cant live on 12 bucks an hour then bitches about the taxpayers supporting her food stamp habit.
And Honey, YOU pay Medicare taxes.
“They pay low wages, then the taxpayers pick up the tab for food stamps and Medicaid,” said Ferreira. “They need to take care of their people. They need to be responsible to their workers.”
Huffington Post tried to champion Ferreira as a brave soul:
Posted by
3:19 PM
Unions Set To Strike Against Boeing
Shut down LAX in the midle of the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Tell me again why these dhimmis are good for America?
Posted by
3:15 PM
SEIU Leader Incites Riot After Cory Booker Makes Controversial Vote
And so it begins. They are turning on their own. Hopefully, this will help to thin the herd and reduce the number of opposition forces.
Posted by
3:12 PM
I heard ya'll are going to picket/protest/march/gather/assemble/act stupid in front of your employers' stores on Black Friday to protest/whine/bitch about/blame corporate greed for the increase in ya'lls healthcare premiums.
Aint America a great place? You are actually free, by virtue of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, to perform the aforementioned actions without fear of being arrested/detained/renditioned/shot or otherwise deprived of your liberty/freedom/livelihood.
Now I have a piece of advice for all of you who will be performing the aforementiond actions and I truly have your best interests in mind and this is for the sake of your own health and safety:
THEY WILL RUN YOUR ASS DOWN and never miss a beat.
Now I have an observation regarding the increase in the cost of your healthcare premiums:
Here's why:
90% of you whining, bitchy little girls voted to keep the poser in office who is responsible for the increase.
90% of you also voted for the low-life scum sucking dhimmicrat politicians who voted to force the healthcare legislation on the rest of us. The rest of you didn't vote. Neither group has the right to bitch about the increase.
Did you get that? Its YOUR fault. You did it to yourself. You also did it to the remainder of the Americans who have employer-furnished healthcare. I know this because my premiums have been going up about 20% every year since this montrosity was shoved down our throats.
I have one more piece of advice for you idiots, morons, and whing bitchy little girls:
Go to work and help your employer turn a profit. You might be surprised at the outcome.
Posted by
6:30 PM
Labels: 1st Amendment, assembly, association, black friday, corrupt dhimmicrats, corrupt unions, freedom of expression, healthcare, picket, premiums, protest, right of redress, thanksgiving, unions, walmart
H/T to a Brother Marine for the heads-up
Posted by
11:33 AM
Labels: 1st Amendment, 9-11, benghazi, creeping sharia, dhimmicrat, dhimmitude, islam, koran, libya, Quran, radical islam, religion of peace my ass, sharia, terrorists
Posted by
11:52 PM
Labels: Africa, enemedia, hawaii, hospital, just asking, kenya, lying dhimmicrats, VLWM, WWII
Federal Government Was Culprit in Housing and Economic Crisis, Says Congressional Report
Washington ( –
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were the chief culprits in the housing crisis because they encouraged people who could not afford payments to borrow money, according to a congressional report released Tuesday. The claims in the report have long been advanced by conservatives, who argue that the Community Reinvestment Act and other federal programs fed the housing bubble that burst in 2007 and led to the economic downfall in 2008. But the report explains in detail how Fannie and Freddie - government sponsored enterprises (GSE) that were not subject to the same oversight as other publicly traded firms -- “privatized their profits but socialized their risks.”
Posted by
10:10 AM
Labels: Barney, crisis, Dodd, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, greedy manipulative coniving politicians, heartless bloodsucking dhimmicrats, housing, mortgage
When it requires/mandates the subjugation of humans based on gender or belief.
When it requires/mandates the murder of innocents and non-believers in order for believers to achieve their "final reward".
In short: Islam is not a religion, it is a murderous, twisted cult of evil spawned by lucifer to recruit ignorant savages.
PJ Lifestyle » When Is a Religion not a Religion?
With the exception of Kirsten Powers, I cannot think of one media liberal who does not see how utterly delusional the administration’s response to these riots has been. This may be going out on a limb, but my guess is this had been in the planning for a long time. I wonder what other Muslim deaths movie man was responsible for in the last week? How about the 92 people killed in 13 separate bombings in Iraq on the conviction in absentia of former VP Tarique Hashemi; or the 12 people killed in a car bombing in a public market in Pakistan near the Afghan border; or the assassination attempt on 9/11 of the Yemeni foreign minister which killed about 12; or, on his second day in office, the suicide bombers’ killing of 12 while failing to assassinate Somalia’s new president; or perhaps the suicide bombers’ attempt to blow up a police station in Istanbul?
Posted by
12:13 PM
........America was warned of the clear and present and growing potential for assault on our compounds. The excuse of the YouTube video mocking Mohammed was a deliberate antecedent act staged to give “legitimacy” to these well thought out attacks. In truth these attacks (possibly like the YouTube video) was planned and staged by al-Qaeda. In-point-of-fact the Libyan Islamic Security Group (LISG) was a lead group in the attack carried out on our Libyan consulate, and they were augmented by a radical Islamic group named Ansar al-Sharia. Make no mistake this long awaited wave of violence has been well orchestrated and methodically carried out given the fact that our embassies in Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, and even Israel have come under attack, too. Intelligence sources who have kindly assisted me over the past couple of years also informed me that there is solid evidence that:
1). The U.S. State Department was aware of a planned major demonstration by the terrorist group Jamaa Islamyia outside the Cairo Embassy for August 30th, but just prior to initiation, it was called off. Equally, the State Department was fully aware of the rocket attack on the British Ambassador in June while traveling through the streets of Libya.
2). Security at ALL American compounds was not reinforced or even placed on a heightened level of alert given Intel suggesting the annual 9/11-Remembrance could be a significant day and/or “Flash Point”. And by now, we all know of the egregious and inexcusable order given that U.S. Marines should not be armed. Initial reports also show a “slow response time” of Egyptian Security Forces when the American Embassy came under attack. Even today with two U.S. Navy destroyers standing off-shore of Libya, there are NO ORDERS, NO DIRECT MISSION.
3). The attack in Benghazi shows evidence of a well-coordinated military attack, as I referenced above. There is now evidence showing the consulate had been under surveillance, the attack came in organized waves, the attackers were very well armed with heavy assault weapons, including RPGs. The physical lay-out of the consulate, including “safe house” was known to the attackers.
4). Tomorrow, Friday, may prove to be an even more insidious day since the Muslim Brotherhood has called for demonstrations even during the Muslim Sabbath. This is not unusual since all rules are situational in Radical Islam. During the Arab Spring, Friday prayers were used to promote major demonstrations since a ready supply of folks were already congregated in one place. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood has called for a “Million Man March.”
I believe you reap what you sew, and we are beginning to sew not-so-good stuff. The United States, these past few years, has been slowly decimated in major categories – especially financially and militarily. We are not able to maintain the level of strength we have all become accustomed to, and the world (at least those countries that depend on us for security and world stability) has become accustomed. A very strong argument can be made that America is in rapid decline. You factor in political people at all levels of our government who believe in appeasement, and who see the world through glasses, the likes many of us have no idea from which they purchased them, and we have events like the past 48-hours, with more to come. United States intelligence and political leaders have greatly underestimated what is taking place in the Middle East, and there is an actual belief system rampant in Washington, D.C. that the Arab Spring (backed by Obama/Clinton/Panetta) was a good thing, a well-deserved event, and the countries that participated are functioning countries with developing democracies! This is a crock!
The failure of U.S. intelligence and political leaders to recognize (believe) you cannot respond to the war waged by radical Islamist terrorist groups by simply throwing more money at them, caving at their demands, fearing their threats, appeasing their ideology and trying to make friends has led to this serious probing of our sovereignty and resolve to protect our interests. Going around pounding on your chest with glee claiming the “Witch is Dead, the wicked witch”…oops, “Osama bin Laden is dead,” and believing all is right with the world is naïve, sophomoric, and makes me wonder who really is minding the store and keeping watch over us? America’s so-called leaders have grossly failed to grasp the significance of what is taking place in the quickly changing political climate in the post-Arab Spring States, and the Middle East in general.
Posted by
8:21 PM
Lawyer of recently released ex-marine speaks to Glenn about violation of civil rights – Glenn Beck
On GBTV Thursday night, Glenn interviewed John Whitehead, lawyer for Brandon Raub, the ex-marine who was taken into custody after he posted some controversial remarks on Facebook.I said the same thing two days ago. There will be more. Each time it happens, the weight of the free people must fall on the heads of the perpetrators. They must know we will not stand for these tactics being used against any free American and most assuredly we will not allow our veterans to be treated as criminals. Defend everyone's right to be free and speak openly whether you like what they say or not. However, calls for violence must be answered with the proper tools. If a group or representative of a group calls for the murder or bombing of another group, that person should be investigated. Prior acts must be weighed. The propensity for violence based on empirical data must be evaluated. You cannot call for the murder of American citizens and be given a pass. That is not a 1st Amendment right.
Earlier in the show, Glenn had criticized the authorities for taking Raub into custody without any warrant or pressing any charges. He pointed out that it was straight out of the 1963 Communist playbook to use the psychiatric profession as a means of coercion against those who disagreed with their philosophy. Furthermore, he argued that it was the equivalent of a “shark bump”, a minor attack to see how people would react. If they ignored this event, it could to lead to further civil rights violations down the road. (Emphasis mine)
Posted by
2:20 PM
You should know this. This is serious.
Political Abuse of Psychiatry—An Historical Overview
The use of psychiatry for political purposes has been a major subject of debate within the world psychiatric community during the second half of the 20th century. The issue became prominent in the 1970s and 1980s due to the systematic political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, where approximately one-third of the political prisoners were locked up in psychiatric hospitals. The issue caused a major rift within the World Psychiatric Association, from which the Soviets were forced to withdraw in 1983. They returned conditionally in 1989. Political abuse of psychiatry took also place in other socialist countries and on a systematic scale in Romania, and during the first decade of the 21st century, it became clear that systematic political abuse of psychiatry is also happening in the People's Republic of China. The article discusses the historical background to these abuses and concludes that the issue had a major impact on the development of concepts regarding medical ethics and the professional responsibility of physicians.
Posted by
11:13 PM
US Adopts Nazi Policy Of Indefinite Psychiatric Detention For Political Views
Yes friends and neighbors, you read that right. Remember Waco and the 183 people who burned? The government did that to see how far the citizenry as whole could be pushed when religious freedom was at stake. No one seemed to care that we had military units deployed to a county in Texas where a group of citizens were living peacefully and enjoying God's graces. They died and the government was at fault and the citizenry bought the lie. They were wierd; they were an offshoot cult of a cult religion is the lie the government encouraged the citizens to believe.
Now we have a young Marine combat veteran who by all accounts never made a single threat or called for the murder of Americans or the destruction of property detained for a psych eval based on some words on a Facebook page. What did he say that was so terrifying?
He believes the path this country is currently on is one that will lead to the enslavement of the entire population.
Guess what?
Posted by
10:37 PM
Idaho Businessman Faces Two Federal Audits for Backing Romney
Things are getting out of hand. This needs to stop right now. This is Stalin's USSR.
What the hell is going on in America?
If you ever needed a reason to vote to remove the current occupier of the White House, then I respectfully submit the above story.
If you can't see the danger to America when this is allowed to happen, there is no hope for you.
TAGS:intimidation, IRS, audit, brownshirts, jackboots, USSR, Stalin, Russia,
Posted by
4:12 PM
Finally! Veil lifted on Muslim rape epidemic
This is freedom of religion? They're afraid of being labeled "anti-mooooslim"?
The poor dears are scared they'll be called racist?
Fine. Go home, lock your doors, cover your eyes and wait for the "all-clear" signal.
I'm sure you'll hear it anytime now.
Meanwhile, there will be a few who aren't afraid to call these monsters what they are: PEDOPHILES & CHILD RAPISTS just like the pedophile child rapist they claim is their leader.
This is what happens when you put women in the same class as animals.
Islam-Religion of Peace my ass.
or is that the Religion of a Piece of Ass from a 13 year-old girl?
For years there have been reports on blogs, personal testimonials and the like, about what looked like a literal epidemic of rape by Muslim men of both women and children, especially in northern European nations where the Muslim immigrant population is high.
But the disturbing reports rarely rose to the level that would make the general population aware of the dangers that were becoming evident. After all, such a report would be blasted for attacking Islam and discriminating against Muslims.
Until now, when a case from the United Kingdom has proven so egregious it could not be ignored.
The BBC reported that nine men were convicted of child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester, after they had “groomed” girls as young as 13. But even there, the report identified the convicts only as “Asian” while revealing their victims were white.
The Guardian took one more step and labeled them as “Pakistani,” but it took a lesser-known online news site, The Salfordian, to identify the suspects as “Muslim men” who “plied girls as young as 13 with drink and drugs so they could use them for sex ‘several times a day.’”
Now, the subject that long has been ignored or suppressed finally may be getting the attention a major crime wave would deserve, regardless of the political correctness of the facts.
Officials at The Gatestone Institute, a non-partisan, not-for-profit international policy council and think tank dedicated to educating the public about what the mainstream media fails to report, have spoken up.
In a commentary just days ago, the organization noted that the three-month trial where the “nine Muslim men were found guilty of raping dozens of British children” revealed that “police and social workers in northern England repeatedly refuse to investigate Muslim pedophile gangs: they said they are afraid of being called racist.”
“The disturbing details that emerged during the trial have opened yet another chapter in a long-running debate about multiculturalism in Britain, where many say that political correctness has gone too far,” the foundation said. “Less than a month after the trial in Liverpool ended … it emerged that social workers in the city of Rotherham, also in northern England, had known for six years that a teenage mother (identified as Child S) who was murdered for bringing shame on the families of two Pakistani men who had used her for sex, was at clear risk from predatory Muslim gangs.”
Posted by
9:19 AM
Dana Milbank Hurls McCarthyism to Shield Obama from Criticism
You are a racist, bigoted, knuckle-dragging neanderthal if you say/think Dear Leader is doing a lousy job of running the country.
We saw this in 2008, when the desperate and desperately corrupt media attempted to silence legitimate criticism of Obama by equating and tying that criticism to racism, crazies, and extremists. And what this is is nothing more than a form of New McCarthyism, by means of which you smear, terrorize, and marginalize those you disagree with by drawing a very long and dark line from what they've said or what they believe in to portray them as scary, freaky, wacko lunatics who might be dangerous.
Posted by
8:12 AM
MILLER: Obama’s jam-packed schedule - Washington Times
President Obama gave up his day job working for the American people so he could have more time to campaign for himself. To fit in all the fundraisers and stump speeches, he’s set aside things like meeting with his jobs council and working with Congress. His priorities say a lot about his character.
In a campaign speech to supporters in Jacksonville, Fla., on Thursday, Mr. Obama promised he would “wake up every single day and spend every waking hour thinking about you, fighting as hard as I knew how for you because I see myself in you.” Mr. Obama said with their support, “We will win Florida and we will win this election. We’ll finish what we started in 2008.”
Mitt Romney’s campaign seized on the statement. “President Obama claims he spends ‘every waking hour’ trying to fix the economy — but that must be news to his own jobs council that he hasn’t had time for in six months,” said Ryan Williams, the Republican candidate’s spokesman. “Americans deserve better, and deserve a president who will put middle-class workers ahead of his own re-election.”
Posted by
11:43 PM
BLACKFIVE: The Elephant in the Room- I wanna be Rich
This is classic Uncle J.
Posted by
11:32 PM
All you have to remember about Chucky Boy is this: When he was first elected to Congress, his first piece of legislation was a bill to repeal the 2nd Amendment. He submitted that legislation every year he was in the House. Once you know that fact, you know everything you need to know about Chucky Boy. Charles "Chucky Boy" Schumer is an anti-Bill of Rights leftist tool and an assclown of the First Order.
Schumer: Hey, you don’t really need all those free speech rights do you? » The Right Scoop -
H/T Right Scoop
Posted by
6:06 PM
Lying By Omission – The Latest Obama Campaign Tool
There are many kinds of lies- barefaced, minimization, white lies, contextual lies, and economy with the truth lies. Lying by omission is only one of over twenty-five kinds of lies; yet it ranks among the most deadly and nefarious of them all.
It is a matter of emphasis that far exceeds the “glass is half-full” analogy but is more like sleight of hand, magic, or prestidigitation. It is a call to look at what I am holding in this hand so you won’t see what I am doing with the other. When utilized in political campaigning, it is always a desperate attempt to divert attention away from a dismal record or performance.
Lies of omission are particularly offensive because they rely on the assumed ignorance of those who hear them. They are an insult to the intelligence and intuitiveness of most people because they depend on the hearer’s ignorance or distraction to have any effect at all. Telling lies of omission requires a great sense of timing as well. Politicians use the last days of a campaign to blast the lies across the campaign trail and hope that there is not enough time for the sycophants to research or uncover what Paul Harvey used to call ‘the rest of the story.’
Posted by
9:21 AM
Is She Or Isn’t She? | Power Line
Where do I enlist?
Posted by
9:14 AM
Brad Pitt’s Brother Speaks Out On Mom’s Death Threats « Pat Dollard
In case you missed it: Brangelina's mom (Brad Pitt for those of you without TV or Internet) wrote a letter to the editor of her St Joseph's MO newspaper, in response to another writer who wrote supporting Bambi. Mrs Pitt essentially said the writer was a dufus, and Bambi is a socialist and a liar bent on destroying America.
Well, the ever tolerant and peaceful left lashed out with some of the most vile, despicable attacks on Mrs Pitt that I've seen in, well, days. IOW, the left did what they always do, and do best, when they are confronted with ideas and beliefs for which they have no response: they attack the messenger and call for immediate execution or worse.
Brad Pitt supports Bambi because Brad Pitt is a dumbass leftist stool-tool. His mother supports Romney because she has the sense God gave her, the benefit of having lived in America for the last 60 years, and isn't afraid to speak out.
That has changed. The left has silenced her through intimidation. That is the only weapon the left has in the war of ideas. They cannot defend the marxist socialist ideology without sounding like idiots, so they resort to sounding like thugs and savages. Its all they know.
Barack Hussien Obama is a G_d damn Marxist. He is a serial liar. David Axelrod is a G_d damn Marxist. He is also a serial liar. Joe Biden is a stupid oaf, a serial liar and the dumbest Vice President since Ford and Mondale.
God please do not let anyone hurt the President and get him out of harms way as soon as possible. Novemeber 6, 2012 is the date I recommend.
Posted by
2:23 PM
Biden: 'Republicans Have Changed the Law So You Get Arrested If You Do Vote'
Biden, one of the dumbest vice-presidents since Gerald Ford, is also a lying POS and a scumbag American.
Posted by
12:08 PM
Douche of the Week/Month/Year?
Mr Twisted has some valid points. I know I could use some extra ammo, a few more high-powered handheld pointing devices. Check it out. Be forewarned, Mr Twisted isn't shy about expressing his opinions.
Posted by
8:43 AM
Video: Taliban shoot woman 9 times in public execution as men cheer -
NOW had this to say about the brutal treatment of women by moooslim extremists:
The ACLU also had a comment about religious freedom:
Yeah, I hear crickets.
Posted by
7:20 AM
Obama: Confused About the Declaration
Not just confused, historically challenged on a major scale.
Given recent comments he made from the White House, Obama's not much of a student of History, or human rights, either. '"In his remarks, Obama suggested that the Declaration (of Independence) was the first time the God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness had been "put to paper."'So I guess the Magna Carta was just a whim?
Posted by
10:35 AM
Obama’s Social Security Number Seriously Challenged « Pat Dollard
A must read. This is serious. Not only is it serious, this Lady will need protection if it goes much further.
Posted by
10:25 AM
British Muslims Targeting Underage White Girls, Gang Raping Them By The Hundreds « Pat Dollard
The men of our societies are failing their fundamental duty to protect their women from such animals by letting them into our societies in the first place. We know how Islam feels about women, and about women who are not Muslims, and we know that the rape of both is culturally sanctioned. The men of Western societies have neutered themselves and lost the rights to their own women by abdicating their responsibility to protect them, with the knife of political correctness. By bowing to PC in almost every form, men are no longer protecting their women and children, period.When it comes to the surface here, what will our government do?
Posted by
9:37 AM
Lawyers Have Already Drafted 13,000 Pages of Regulations for New ObamaTax Law | The Gateway Pundit
"Let me tell you how it will be,
There's one for you, nineteen for me
I'm the Taxman"
The House Rules Committee will convene in an expedited meeting on Monday to consider a measure to repeal President Obama's signature health care reform law, according to a statement from the panel's spokesman.
Under committee rules, Monday's business is considered an "emergency" meeting because a hard copy of the measure must be available to members of the panel at least 24 hours before a meeting. While the text is available online now, the bill is not expected to be introduced until Monday, said committee spokesman Doug Andres.
Last week, Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's office said the vote to repeal the health care law would be set for July 11.
Posted by
10:13 PM
Blogger Aaron Walker Wins First Amendment Victory over Brett Kimberlin
In a victory for the First Amendment and citizen journalism, blogger Aaron Walker won a decisive victory over convicted felon and left-wing activist Brett Kimberlin in a Maryland courtroom today. Judge Nelson Rupp ruled that Walker blogging about his belief that Kimberlin framed him for a crime was not harassment, overturning an earlier ruling that stated that Walker, who writes at Allergic To Bull, was not allowed to blog about Brett Kimberlin ‘in any way’.
In the first hearing, on May 30th, Judge Cornelius Vaughey ruled that blogging about Kimberlin qualified as ‘contact’ with him, and proceeded to order Walker not to write about Kimberlin in any way--including, he added, blogging, tweeting, sending smoke signals, using radar, sonar or laser.
Posted by
5:16 PM
Rep. West: Let’s Force Everyone to Buy a Glock 9mm | Video |
If we can work out a compromise, I'd prefer a .40 or an M1911.
Posted by
11:32 PM
Interestingly, in an oversight that is not explained, the report barely mentions radical Islam. Instead the study lumps religious terrorist groups into one category and describes them as “groups that seen to smite the purported enemies of God and other evildoers, impose strict religious tenants or laws on society (fundamentalists), forcibly insert religion into the political sphere.”Well of course they're not going to single out radical islamist extremists, because jihad is a legitimate religious tenent and it's religious freedom when they murder innocents in the name of a pedophile.
Posted by
11:24 PM
Posted by
9:36 AM
Labels: bambicare, blackfive, dear leader, healthcare, obamacare, obamacaretax, obamatax, obamataxcare, penalty, SCOTUS, tax, uncle jimbo, video
Obama Backs Israel-Bashing at the UN
Don't trust this man to do the right thing when Israel is on the line. He will betray the Jews just as surely as Judas.
Posted by
8:56 PM
Bill Whittle gives a pep talk to conservatives after Obamacare ruling » The Right Scoop -
This is a great pep talk by Bill Whittle, who seeks to encourage us not to lose heart after the Obamacare ruling by the Supreme Court. It’s short, sweet, and effective:
Posted by
9:35 AM
Border Patrol agents told ‘run away,’ ‘hide’ from gunmen
Well they may as well. If they shoot someone in the performance of their duties, the Border Agents will be the ones on trial. The shooter will be given amnesty, a new ID, citizenship, 40 acres, a mule and for all I know, his choice of girlfriends form the Caracas Catalogue.
I wouldn't blame them one bit if they thought twice about taking out a bad guy. Remember Campean and Ramos? Why put yourself in that position?
“We are now taught in an ‘Active Shooter’ course that if we encounter a shooter in a public place we are to ‘run away’ and ‘hide’” union leader Brandon Judd wrote on the website of 3,300-member union local.
“If we are cornered by such a shooter we are to (only as a last resort) become ‘aggressive’ and ‘throw things’ at him or her. We are then advised to ‘call law enforcement’ and wait for their arrival (presumably, while more innocent victims are slaughtered).”
Posted by
10:13 PM
Labels: Border Agents, border patrol, DHS, ICE, TSA, WND
Allergic to Bull: What Happened Tonight
Aaron Walker recounts his SWATing experience from this past Monday night 25 June.
Let me say upfront that what is going on in this country borders on the insane. Leftwing kooks like Kmberlin get their panties in a twist because a conservative blogger tells the truth, then Kimberlin's little groupies step up and act on his behalf, calling in false police reports. Not just false reports, false reports involving gunfire and murdered wives which makes the police a little nervous and apprehensive when they answer the call.
If this doesn't stop, an innocent person will die by gunfire and it will be Kimberlins fault.
Posted by
3:39 PM
Again, I want to be left alone by your client. That is my demand as required by Galloway and the criminal harassment statute. His false narrative that I framed him is defamatory and inciting extremists to threaten me. He is responsible for their conduct. I will not hesitate to seek additional peace orders or criminal harassment charges if he does not leave me alone.The trouble is, Brett Kimberlin defines “leave me alone” as “don’t blog about the lawfare I have waged on you.” He wants the right to engage in dishonest and abusive litigation, but he demands more: the right to do it without criticism. As you can see from his response to Aaron’s filing for an emergency stay, Kimberlin continues to assert that he has the right to an email inbox free from Google Alerts relating to posts written by Aaron about Kimberlin:
Mr. Walker, contrary to what he says in his motion, did, as Judge Vaughey found, contact Petitioner directly in order to harass him. In his blog posts andon his Twitter page, he addressed Petitioner directly. He knew that his posts and tweets would end up in Petitioner’s email box, and taunted Petitioner to turn off “his Google alerts.” This is akin to telling someone to shut off their phone or stop their mail service if they did not want to receive harassing calls or mail.Um, no, it’s not. If you set up a service where your phone rings every time someone talks about you in public, I am not “phoning” you if I talk about you in public. If you set up a service where you receive a piece of snail mail every time someone talks about you in public, I am not “mailing” you if I talk about you in public. Having a Google alert for your name is YOUR choice. It cannot be used as a sword to force people to stop talking about you — and it is not “taunting” for Aaron to say: if you don’t want your email inbox filled with notifications about Aaron’s posts, turn your Google alerts off
Posted by
3:22 PM
Labels: buttmonkey, kimberlin, patterico, SWAT
Unexamined Premises » First Principles
With less than six months before the critical 2012 election, it’s vital that those on the right not fall into the trap of accepting the premises of leftist argumentation. To do that — to cede even a single inch of turf, or to acknowledge that they are arguing or advocating in good faith — is already to have lost. Therefore, repeat after me:
Principles, not programs. Principles, not programs. Principles, not programs.
We often hear it said that the coming election is as raw a clash of political philosophies as can be imagined — the most important election since 1860. And in a sense, that’s true. The national divide over the issue of slavery and its expansion into the rapidly settling territories was a constitutional crisis of the first order. It took the Civil War to sort out an issue that the Framers had partially punted, at a dreadful cost of lives and treasure. To say that the postwar Union was nothing like antebellum America is an understatement.
Posted by
7:27 PM