20 May 2012

Suspects wielding hammers and batons attack diners at Tinley Park restaurant - Chicago Sun-Times

Suspects wielding hammers and batons attack diners at Tinley Park restaurant - Chicago Sun-Times

Video was turned over to police. Waiting for the leak. This should be good. Hoodies, balaclavas and bandanas. Targeted diners from out of state. No word on ethinicity of attackers or attackees, only that the attackees appear to have been enjoying lunch at an up-scale restaurant.

1% on 99% violence or Trayvon Martin retaliation?

Let me explain the first part of that last sentence:

Add the following to the list of undeniable and indisputable facts:

1. The asshats and moonbats who call themselves the 99% are in fact the 1% of America who are stupid, ignorant, greedy, selfish, prone to violence, stupid-angry and just plain don't give a furry rats ass about anything or anybody but themselves.

2. The diners are the 99%. People like you and me who get up every day and go to work. We raise families, and we do what we can with what we are left with after paying our bills to help those who really need it.

3. You and I are the 99% who, at some point in the future, will be forced to kick the asses of the 1% because their parents didn't do it when it really counted and now it's out of control; like a 3 year old in a temper tamtrum. You ignore it until it becomes a danger to others.

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