20 May 2012

Obama seeks to woo military vote from Republicans

Until we see a coherent plan implemented for winning in Afghanistan or a complete and total withdrawl of all forces from theater, Dear Leader will only get the votes of the genuflecting, ring kissing, rank protecting weasels in the rear.

Obama seeks to woo military vote from Republicans

Republicans responded even before the Obama campaign launched its attack. Anthony Principi, secretary of veterans affairs under the second President Bush, and Virginia Rep. Randy Forbes said that the troops returning home from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are struggling to find jobs and having to wait too long to receive disability claims as well as mental health services related to post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries.

“There is absolutely no matrix, no calculation you could use, that would lead you to believe that Obama’s policies have not failed veterans and military families,” Mr. Forbes said.

The New York Times reported last month that 870,000 veterans are awaiting response to claims submitted to the Department of Veterans Affairs, a waiting list that has doubled since Mr. Obama took office. In addition to veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, there are more than 200,000 claims filed by Vietnam vets seeking disability stemming from the spraying of the toxic defoliant Agent Orange
This topic was covered at last weeks 2012 Milblog Conference during a panel discussion on benefits "delivered, delayed, or dismissed." 

Rep Forbes addressed the conference that morning during the opening remarks. Hopefully I will have a link to that video shortly.

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